10 Fascinating Foot Facts

10 Fascinating Foot Facts

Our feet are much more than just a mode of transportation. There are some pretty fascinating feet facts and stats out there, due to the complex and unique network that comprises them. Clifton Foot & Ankle Center wants you to better understand your feet so you’re not only able to win at trivia if these…

All About Raynaud’s Phenomenon

All About Raynaud’s Phenomenon

What if every time your body felt cold — What’s going on with your extremities when they hurt and turn colors? What’s happening is a fairly common phenomenon called Raynaud’s (pronounced “RAY-nawds”). Raynaud’s is a reaction to feeling cold, emotionally upset, or stressed out. For reasons that aren’t clear to medical researchers and physicians, the…

The Top 10 Health Consequences of Childhood Obesity and How to Reverse Them

The Top 10 Health Consequences of Childhood Obesity and How to Reverse Them

As a parent, you’re undoubtedly hopeful your children will enjoy healthy childhoods and flourish as adults. One thing that can dash your hopes is childhood obesity. Unfortunately, a child can face hefty health consequences when severely overweight. Out of 10 adverse consequences, here’s what podiatrist Dr. Kenneth R. Wilhelm puts in the number #1 position:…

7 Ways to Relieve Tired Feet

7 Ways to Relieve Tired Feet

When you’re on your feet all day, it’s normal to have some aches and pains. Board-certified podiatrist Dr. Kenneth R. Wilhelm offers these seven ways to soothe your weary feet: Rest. Just put your feet up and give them a break! Ice and massage. Applying ice will help reduce any muscle or tissue inflammation. When…

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