September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month

Taking a fall can shatter more than bones.
It can shatter an older person’s confidence – leaving them more prone to falling in the future. According to studies, the fear of falling, or merely being worried about it, makes a person more prone to falling again.
Fear is a strong risk factor, but it isn’t the only one. Others include:
- Medications that can make you dizzy.
- Obstacles on the floor, such as wet spots, trash cans, loose throw rugs, electrical cords, oversized furniture, and anything else preventing a clear path between rooms.
- Poor vision.
- Moving too fast.
- Lack of core strength – weak abdominal and lower back muscles that we use to keep our balance.
Another huge risk factor is poor foot mechanics or foot pain. Pain in your feet can alter how you walk, putting you off balance and, therefore, more prone to falling. Flat feet, gout, bunions, arthritis, and long, thick toenails are examples of foot issues that can cause instability.
We encourage our senior patients to take steps during Falls Prevention Awareness Month to prevent falling. Get your eyes checked; go through the house and remove objects that obstruct your path or present a tripping hazard; visit a physical therapist (we can recommend one in Fairfax County) to learn how to strengthen your balancing muscles; ask your doctor if your medications cause drowsiness or dizziness.
Finally, visit Clifton Foot & Ankle Center in Centreville, Virginia, for a complete foot check if you are experiencing symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or pain in one or both feet. Our board-certified podiatrist and podiatric surgeon, Dr. Kenneth R. Wilhelm, can prescribe custom orthotics, physical therapy, medications, platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP), and much more to ease foot pain and decrease your risk of falling. He may also recommend surgery if necessary.
Foot pain rarely gets better on its own – and when foot pain increases, the chances that you’ll fall increase, too. So, fix your feet to prevent falling. Call (703) 996-3000 or contact us online for an appointment with Dr. Wilhelm. (Se habla español)