7 Foot Care Myths You Can Send Packing

Weird ideas about the human foot have existed for centuries. These days, myths, misunderstandings, and misrepresentations about foot care can spread like wildfire via the internet. Ignore the influencers and take your foot health cues from Dr. Kenneth R. Wilhelm, resident myth buster and board-certified podiatrist here at Clifton Foot & Ankle Center.
Here are seven of the most pervasive myths about feet that we hear from our patients in northern Virginia/greater D.C., along with an explanation of why you can send these falsehoods packing, forever:
“Only athletes get athlete’s foot.” Anybody can get the fungal infection known as athlete’s foot. People who sweat a lot are more prone, as are people who don’t change their sweaty socks and those who wear shoes made of plastic or other materials that don’t “breathe.”
“People get warts because their feet are dirty.” Warts form when HPV, human papillomavirus, enters through microscopic tears in your skin. You can easily pick up the virus from yoga mats, exercise equipment, and gym floors.
“Wearing high heels causes bunions.” The tendency to develop bunions is hereditary. High heels may not cause bunions. However, high heels put a lot of pressure on the forefeet, making bunions progress faster.
“There is nothing I can do about a broken toe.” There is a ton of advice on the internet about treating a broken toe at home. You might be okay taping your toes together and keeping your fingers crossed. But you might also be left with a crooked toe and further problems. See Dr. Wilhelm for a proper assessment and healing of your injured toe.
“I can walk after my injury, so I don’t need to see a doctor.” Being able to bear weight on an injured foot is only one factor when evaluating a foot or ankle injury. Signs that you need a doctor’s care include pain, rapid swelling, foot deformity, or an inability to move your toes.
“All orthotic inserts are the same.” Shoe inserts that you can buy at the store or online are generic, while inserts fitted by a podiatrist fit your feet to a “T” and are custom designed to fix your specific problem.
“I’m old, so my foot pain is to be expected.” There are many reasons for foot pain and also many, many solutions. Nobody should chalk up foot pain to old age and just live with it. Our podiatrist can help!
Cast off your beliefs in myths and tales. Get expert advice and state-of-the-art foot or ankle pain treatment at our podiatry office in Centreville, Virginia. Call (703) 996-3000 or schedule an appointment online.