Introducing Swift Treatment for Removing Stubborn Plantar Warts

“Swift” is a word to describe anything you can make quick work of. You can run swiftly to the corner store or make a swift recovery from an illness. At Clifton Foot & Ankle Center, the word “Swift” falls into the person, place, or thing category. Here, it’s a renowned noun – Swift with a capital “S.”
Swift is a new technology that makes quick work of eliminating bothersome plantar warts. It’s not only fast, but also safe, very effective, and available today at our Fairfax County podiatry office.
The old methods
Conventional treatment for treating warts on your feet often involves several trips to the podiatrist to have your wart frozen. Then you wait until the wart peels off, layer after slow layer – a process that can take months. Another option might be to have our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Kenneth R. Wilhelm, remove the wart surgically. That’s painful and invasive.
Cutting-edge Swift therapy – without any cutting
- Swift treatments are non-invasive. They don’t break the skin.
- Swift is precise, targeting the wart alone without damaging any surrounding, healthy skin.
- It targets the root of the problem: it stimulates your body’s immune system to fight the virus that caused the wart in the first place (HPV or human papillomavirus).
- It’s finished in 3 to 4 treatments. We schedule each Swift treatment four weeks apart and perform them right here in our office. Each session only takes a few minutes – “socks off – socks on” – and then you’re free to go about your day.
What else you need to know
A wart can reach deep down into the skin. We use the Swift applicator to deliver precise bursts of microwave energy as far below the skin’s surface as needed. Microwave energy is safe. It’s already been used for decades in the medical field to treat certain kinds of lung, kidney, liver, and breast cancer.
The Swift method of removing warts has a very high success rate. To find out if you’re a candidate, contact our office online or call (703) 996-3000 for an appointment with Dr. Wilhelm at our office in Centreville, Virginia.